Lead Dress questions.

Started by Karmasound, April 15, 2005, 03:17:07 PM

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 I'm curious as to the effect lead dress has on certain ckts.

I know in amps with the higher voltage that it is important. But i'm not sure I understand what is going on. Does it have to do with polarity? Keeping the high voltage noise from getting into the signal?

Now in stompbaox ckts how important is wire routing and placement.

Do you want to keep certain wires away from others, or certain parts of the ckt?

Will this cause noise?


In amps, you want to keep the high-voltage lines (power-amp section, B+, etc.) away from the sensitive lower-voltage lines (preamp, pre-preamp), as the high-voltage EMF may leak into the lower-voltage lines, causing problems (hum, squeel, etc.).

Or, at least, that's my understanding.  As always, I may be very wrong.