Help me with a simple switching question...

Started by saultime, April 18, 2005, 01:07:52 AM

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This seems like such a simple question, I hope I don't piss anyone off, but--

I want to build a conrol box some rackmounted units I have. I've did the same thing years ago with simple momentary switches from rat shack (baby's first diy project)...

I'd like to make it this time so that when I hit a switch (again, it's just a momentary switch) once, an LED will come on, and when I hit it again, it the LED turns off.

What kind of switch do I need for this? Is there anything else I need to consider?


You wan't a rack mounted switcher with remote control?



No, just a simple momentary footswitch. I want to make it so if I push the switch once, an LED on the footswithc comes on. If I push it again, the LED goes off. I'm not quite sure how to wire this up...

The Tone God

If you are using a momentary switch then you need some circuity to hold what state it is in. Typically this is done with a flip-flop logic circuit. You would use the momentary switch as a clock pulse to the flip-flop.



Wiring an LED up to a momentary switch is the only thing I'm not sure about.