ultra-quick transistor nüb question!

Started by phector2004, April 22, 2010, 08:58:06 PM

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Hi everyone,

Been messing around on the breadboard with a muff fuzz, and i tried boosting the gain a few days ago by changing R2 to 47k instead of 10k (read that somewhere). Ended up frying the transistor somehow... quick switch back to the original resistor and a new tranny and it was working again  :-\

anyways, i was just wondering if its possible to fry a transistor under normal circumstances (i.e. what does it take, aside from static?). you see, it may have shorted somewhere while i was moving the breadboard and the + terminal from the battery swept over the components... I don't have too many backup trannies, so any help would be greatly appreciated before i play around with it some more!

[EDIT] nevermind... I think its just cause I shorted it... sounds farty with a 22k, with too much distortion for chords (almost as much as a green ringer minus the octave!)