Help, whats this noise-ROG 3 leg dog ?

Started by MartyMart, April 29, 2005, 05:24:46 AM

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This is build number 50, I think and the first time I've heard this problem.
I built the 3 legged dog, in an atempt to "NAIL" a 4049UBE build that
works !!!
It does...... almost, but when "backing off" the gtr vol pot ( which works fine with all other builds )
I get lots of "noise and crackling" going on .. !  ??
Also the 1M gain pot "cuts out" at lower settings and seems "reversed" !
Its connected to pin 6 via lug 2 and pin 7 via lug 3, lug 1 not connected
as per the schemo....

Any assistance would deserve a few beers  !!    --> Three Legged dog project

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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the gain pot works like this: the larger the R bewteen pins 6 & 7, the higher the gain. (wiper towards "NC" in the schem =max.);
(I don`t know much about numbering pot-lugs...).

I would insert an Rmin in series with the pot (at least a couple of k`s);

I would also insert an input cap (plus pulldown antipop-R),
coz I don`t trust a FET`s gate...

I like a beer in the later afternoon  :)


Thanks Ton  :D

Next time you're in London ......  "Beer o'clock"  !

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
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Fret Wire

Are you using a J201? What's your voltage reading on the jfet's drain? You may have to adjust the 8k2 to hit 4.5v (1/2 ps).

Btw, forgot to mention that board and wiring layout are important with this ckt, it can behave quite odd if offboard wiring is too long, or layout isn't right.
Fret Wire
(Keyser Soze)