A Brief--Interim--State Of The Cave Message

Started by smallbearelec, June 26, 2005, 08:47:51 PM

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The Stock List will be up again, as promised, Monday morning. I'm not opening with any new products, but I do expect to receive White #1510 clone knobs in mid-week. Will post ASAP. I also did look at some Pantone color chips during break, so I have the information I need to ask this factory if they will make the same part in Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. It depends on what resins they stock that might look like the Pantone numbers I really want. I know I have talked about doing this forever, but I think now I'm finally dealing with a company that actually wants my business (!).

If you have ordered in the last few months, I hope you have noticed that
turnaround has returned (mostly) to normal. I have also been able to reply fairly promptly to e-mail and even spend some time on the Forum. All of this reflects the fact that the StoreSense shopping cart and its back office have done their job; my assistant is able to pack much more, I have been able to give more time to business matters, and I have begun to have something like a life again.

While I had not intended to take the logical next step of moving SBE to rented office space, growth of inventory is forcing me to look seriously at doing it. It's not even that I have added so many new products; the present crunch stems more from needing to carry LARGE quantities of what-all to feed your friendly, local (and national and overseas) boutique pedal makers. So my locker is bursting at the seams, and while I could pay for a larger one, the rent for an office starts to look like a better deal in many ways. I figure to start looking seriously in the fall and doing the move over winter break. As always, I will let my "family" know how
this goes.

Happy summer music-making!



Thank's for the info Steve, hope you enjoyed the break ?
I have to say that my last order arrived VERY quickly here in the UK,
from the day of the "your item has shipped" email, it was
only four days !!!.
Fantastic, thanks very much for turning that around a.s.a.p   :D


Marty. ( M.Lister )
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


Thanks Steve ...

just noticed I need a few more things so I guess you'll see another order from me shortly! ... Orders arriving quickly here too, I'm in Canada and it's less than a week.


It's great to see that business is doing so well for you Steve -- congrats!!

Take care,


Gotta love that shopping cart.
 ORdering stuff from SB has always been pleasurable, but finding what we need has never been this easy.
 Small Bear...thanks for being 'you'.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


i just made an order on friday the day they were going to shutdown for vacation and an order with mouser a few minutes later. The Cave beat mouser by a whole day. Smallbear arrived The following tuesday and mouser on wednesday minus two back ordered items which i am still waiting on. thanks for the great service steve and i hope you enjoy the much deserved vacation. the cave rocks :!:  :D . peace, waldo