aqua-puss died on me any ideas?

Started by Harry, April 13, 2011, 04:54:49 PM

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This is a stock aqua puss barely used maybe used for an hour total completely unmolested or abused in any way. Has only been used with battery power no ac. It is now not getting any power. It did start working fine for about five minutes now nothing again. changed batteries and still nothing. anyone have any idea what may have happened?


If you can, get it fixed on warranty. If not, good luck. Dunlop has added a confusing switching system with a lot of smp parts on the Way Huge stuff. They've also started using jumpers and headers instead of soldered cable. They now use multiple PCBs instead of one in each box. I have an Angry Troll that I had to ship back to Dunlop because one of the caps in the switching wasn't working. I haven't really been impressed with the design of the line. For comparison:



Anyway, I guess I'm a bit off-track, but my point is get it fixed on warranty if you can.


yeah first thing i thought of was the warranty but i didnt  send out the card like i was supposed to (its built like a tank and i've never had any problems with any of my other pedals go figure). i dont have any experience with warranties i bought it like 2 months ago off ebay. what do you think just print out a doctored up reciept?


You don't need to have sent in the warranty card and you probably won't need a receipt. Just email, tell them that you bought the pedal recently and it has stopped working. Also send your address, your phone number, and your pedal's serial code. They'll give you a return authorization number and their address (in California). Then you can just ship it to them. I wouldn't mention that you bought it off of ebay. Just say that you bought it new recently and describe the problem. Unless they've tightened up since I sent my Angry Troll in, they won't ask for a proof of purchase.



I would say they'd have to fix it under warranty, those things are so new that I think any of them would still be under warranty.  If they want to know where you bought it, just tell them you buy a lot of pedals and you don't remember, but you think you got it from Musician's Friend or GC or some other big online seller that sells them (first check to see if those stores sell them!).   I really doubt they are going to check to see if that particular unit was shipped to a certain store.  Just say you threw out the box and papers and can't find a receipt.  I've done this before with a couple of pedal companies and they were happy to fix it under warranty.

Good luck,