Need PCB mounted DC jack

Started by soggybag, June 06, 2005, 12:36:19 AM

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I'm looking for a PCB mounted DC jack. Can anyone recommend a PCB mount DC jack.
I need something that fits, what I always see listed as, 2.1mm jack. Like this one offered by small bear.
I found this*16PJ031*&terms=16PJ031&Ntt=*16PJ031*&Dk=1&Ns=SField&N=0&crc=true
16PJ031 in the mouser catalog. But I'm not clear that this fits the standard 2.1mm jack, the mearuements are a bit cofusing.


it's under the 2.1mm section in the catalogue... so I'm guessing that what you're after.
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)