Best transistor from choices of same type, say 2n3906?

Started by Ashurbanipal, June 30, 2005, 04:05:01 PM

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When faced with several choices of transistors of the same type, say 2n3906, ranging in price from $0.10 to $0.50, which one should I order? Do the more expensive ones sound better?

Here's the search link at mouser if you want to see:*2n3906*&Ne=500&terms=2n3906&Ntt=*2n3906*&Dk=1&Ns=SField&N=571&crc=true
This particular example is for a sub-octave divider effect, but I have several other projects - fet buffer, synth filter - where there are similar ranges in choice.


Go with the cheapest, as long as it has legs.  Unless you actually want SMD devices.