Searching for Woolly Mammoth's pinch control

Started by Bernardduur, June 30, 2005, 04:33:43 AM

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Hi all.

I was playing with a Woolly Mammoth a while ago and I figured that I liked the overall tone but best of all the "Pinch" knob wich acts like some kind of gate control. View the video on ZVEX website.

Does anyone knows how to build such a gate for my NYC Big Muff Pi (or knows how to build a Woolly Mammoth  :D)?
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account

Johnny G

i wouldnt go asking for schems of mr Vex's pedals. it'll at least get you a severe clip round the ear. as for the gate control on the wolly mamoth, my guess is its to do with the biasing of whatever transistors are inside it tho i cant really say since its one pedal i have absolutelly no idea whats inside of it.

you could always just build a noisegate project, they're not espescially difficult builds


It may be a Zvex pedal but the circuit was designed by Chuck Zwicky.


I don't mind the ZVEX pedal, but it is the only pedal, this far, I found had this "gimmick" I want. OK, if I could get the whole pedal, that is fine, but right now I am happy with my Bif muff on bass; I only miss a bit of "control" over the fuzziness of my signal, as found in some kind of gate.

Any thoughts on gates?
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account




It is hard that backing up the volume does not work. Don't know why.
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account



The bias-pot in this schematic is the R1 I guess (correct me if I am wrong). As the Big Muff Pi has four transistors (three in feedback stage) I have to alter them all......

How does such a bias pot works (as how does ot change the signal)? And shoud the value be higher or lower to get a similar effect?

Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account