just an idea for a ring modulator

Started by mustapah, September 06, 2003, 12:58:27 AM

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note how The moog ring modulator's carrier oscillator can be controlled by an expression pedal. What if you had a theremin styled antenna that came out of the pedal (or was in a small remote box instead of the expression pedal. Meaning if you swung your guitar's neck into the antenna's pitch field it would change the carrier oscillator pitch in the ring modulator??? can't you see a craziness of a guitarist flayling about and having the pitch change constantley. after all... who really want stability with a ring modulator. I never did when I
played it with my theremin!!!!

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Some people have done something similar with my Frostwave SpaceBeam, this is an optical based theremin (reflected infrared beam controls frequency). It has a control voltage (0 to 10v) output as well as the audio:  the audio can go straight to the Frostwave Blue Ringer ring modulation input, or the CV can control the local oscillator. Not trying to sell these to you guys (everyone here should roll their own!) just pointing out, that it IS a good idea & used successfully. The optical setup avoids all the horrible RF problems that the usual RF based theremins can have, surrounded by studio gear. one guy gaffered the SpaceBeam to his amp & waggled the guitar in front of it, good theatre!