Marshall Bluesbreaker Pedal - Debug & Voltages

Started by Roobin, July 18, 2005, 05:06:10 AM

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Aa you can probably guess from the title, my pedal isn't working. It bypasses perfectly, but does nout when you enable it.

Schematic: GGG:

I'm using perfboard, and there is a negative gorund.

I've read GEO and Aron's guides, and I started by check the power to the IC.

Pin4: 0.0v
Pin8: 8.0 - 8.9v these follow the recommended values in the instructions. However, this was with the jack in. If there is no jack, well then everything is 0v.
Is this right or not?

Also, I have my meter, and would like, if possible or necessary at all, a list of rough values to compare at certain points, so i know when it is failing. However, if this is not necessary, then please tell me so!

Also, just to check my soldering, has anyone got any good links/pics of good soldering on perfboard, so I can check.

All/any help or experience is welcomed!!!

PS: Dunno, but if I touch any of the wiring, it hums, then when i take my finger off it is silent???


Don't worry guys, its sorted. I checked EVERY wire and component with a meter and found the problem: one itny wire not solderd properly to the IC. oh well!!!