Overdrive pedal pics

Started by ejbasses, July 25, 2005, 12:26:24 PM

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Here are some pics of my finished OD pedal

Its based on a DOD OD250 schematic. I used 1n4001 as clipping diodes and a 10uf input cap.

I use it on my bass but it sounds better with a guitar. the clipping diodes did the trick
Four Strings To Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them


sweet!  maybe you wanna try mixing the od with some clean signal for your bass?  you could try one of the blenders.


I dig your your naked dremel tool.


Yea- dig the dremmel - lite..Almost time for that yearly " post your bench pics.  :lol:
"I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?"


Quote from: soggybagI dig your your naked dremel tool.

me 2  :D

Paul Marossy

I like the mysterious black box look.  :wink:


paul, I like the look too. Like it came from the world of Mad Max  :wink: I plan on finishing my next pedals that way.

gauss, the low end is fine for bass. What i dont like is that its more fuzzlike. I would like a natural distorion sound for my bass. Any suggestions?

The dremel - like tool is a small drill based on a 540 size motor used to drill holes on PCBs. That one came from the drill i was using and it broke so i was checking out what the hell was wrong with it
Four Strings To Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them


10 uf seems a bit large for an in cap which can lead to mush sound. Do you have a cap around the diodes? A bigger value will warm up the unit by rolling off more treb.  Also a 100 or 200 pico in the negative feedback loop will cut shrill fuzz also.  Try these things.... :lol:


I don't know if the pedal is good, but the dremel is surely awesome  :D


haha that dremel sure is getting some attention!

Banjo, ill try those mods. I used a 10uf cap because i didnt have anything else at the time
Four Strings To Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind Them


Go to Radioshack. They sell .01 mylar caps{the dark green ones}  this is the stock value for the incap of the 250.     With humbuckers I like to go even smaller for a tighter bass response. switching beetween ceramics and mylar gives you different tones too. You can add a toggle to switch between two different ones.  Have fun.