Ge leakage probs,... me think?

Started by formerMember1, July 20, 2005, 02:20:25 PM

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recieved two transistors from small bear.
One is a OC44,(black) for a RM.
when i test the true gain using geofx site i get this:
first value i get is 156.6mv then when i touch 2.2m resistor to base i get .903   i minus and get 155.697   That doesn't seem right at all since i still have to times it by 100 yet.  Which would mean i have a tran with hfe of 15569.7  :shock:

i know how to measure transistors for true gain. i have done so many many times with the right results. but for some reason this happens whenever i test the OC44. :cry:

the main thing that is throwing me for a loop is getting a 156.6mv reading at beginning of test!! :twisted:

anybody run into these probs before?

the other transistor i test from small bear(japan one) tests fine with a approx hfe of 73

thanks :D

PS: could it be my battery is only 8.93V

using this same battery other transistors test fine though.


Arent the Q's you recieved from SB already gain and leakage tested? Did they come with resistor bias values?
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


yeah but that is the odd part,
i got two different transistors off him, both are said to be biased at 56k and 3.9 k.  If they each have a different hfe then how can they both be biased with the same values

But i was just wondering what hfe they were(he didn't specify) so when i did the measurement that  was the reason for my posting this thread.

i happen to measure both transistors when they got here because i was wondering the hfe.  i ran into the same problem with the OC44 transistor when i go it, when i ran into that trouble i tried finding the answer online but couldn't.  so i eventually forgot about it untill now, when i built RM pedal, and was wondering what the hfe was that made the pedal have the certain sound it does.  The other transistor i got off him(japan) tested and works fine.  
the transistor can't be damaged by me since i use sockets and it measured that way when i recieved it a week before i even used it in any circuit.(i didn't recieve rest of parts off mouser until a week or so later)

Can this be why the pedal is so ear piercing like i posted in other threads.  It seems to bias okay, And the other tran(japan) works and test fine.  it sounds good but not how i wish it was.
thanks for the reply    

i do notice a difference in sound sometimes.
Like one day i like it and an hour later i wont.
somedays it sounds great and i am very happy with it then later or the next day it seems it lost that "magic".  :roll:


sorry guys, smallbear fixed the problem for me. it was my mistake.

here when i bought two transistors off him, he sent them both with the same hfe rating so i could swap them without rebiasing so i could here the difference.  they were 73 hfe.

that money for those transistors was WELL SPENT!!!

WOW what a guy :D