So the dano slapback works on 12V now more question on modulationsss

Started by Wild Zebra, June 04, 2008, 12:41:25 PM

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Wild Zebra

    So I remember seeing people doing mods to their rebotes to modulate the delates with an LFO.  And also mods like delay trails or momentary buttons for wild feedback.  First let me tell you what I have again.  I started building a modular synth in an old speaker cab originally to play guitar thru so it doesn't have any oscillators mostly filters and modlation ie.  2 filters, signal to gate, lfo, adsr, 2 vca, S&H, 4 ch panning mixer, multiple, think thats it.  Well I have a few slots left and thought it'd be cool to put a delay in there but before I dp I'd like to maximize it's full potential.  I've modded quite a few slapbacks with the endless repeats and varible delay times.  So that'll be my guniea pig.  I figure I'll use a true bypass box type set up so I can bypass the effect but just hardwire it and use a toggle to switch the effect on and off.  Sooooo I'd like to be able to run my LFO in thar to modulate the delay and possible do the delay trail or a momentary switch to "freak it out" with long feedbacks. 

So what do you think? Any and all help will be appreciated.

Meanwhile I'll start searching some threads.
"your stripes are killer bro"


To add an input for your LFO have a look at the Echo Base schematic. You just need the the BC560/2N5087, 39k and 220R resistors. If you've already done the variable delay mod just hook those up between the pot and ground and feed your LFO into the 220R resistor or include the Depth pot and feed the LFO into that.

Wild Zebra

"your stripes are killer bro"

Wild Zebra

slacker is the Depth mod basicall a attenuator because my synth also has a passive attenuator so I could also leave that out right, I guess it would be nice to have it on the module though.
"your stripes are killer bro"


yeah it just attenuates the signal from the LFO, if you've already got one you can leave it out.

Wild Zebra

"your stripes are killer bro"

Wild Zebra

Slacker one more, if I add the attenuator will I need the 240K resister at the input or just input the LFO directly into the pot??
"your stripes are killer bro"


The 240k resistor is to make the pot useable over its entire rotation, without it I found that only about a third of the pot's rotation was useable. Depending on what the output from your LFO is you might not need it or you might need a different value.

Wild Zebra

"your stripes are killer bro"