Orange Squeezer and Noise filter problems

Started by ElectroFreak, July 22, 2005, 10:49:59 AM

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Well, my first project was a Gov'nor which I put together on perfboard.  It worked flawlessly right off.  I then built an orange squeezer on perf and it just hissed at me, with a little signal coming through if I had on my dist pedal at the same time (OS in front).  Once I got my supplies for making pcb's I made one for the OS and built it on the new board.  Used some of the same parts but used new semiconductors.  Same result.  I got frustrated and built the MXR noise gate circuit on tonepad (on pcb) and it just squeals at me.  I'm at work now but when I get home do I just post all the voltages on here?  I'm usually pretty careful with my builds so I'm kinda upset that my new builds are all going south.


Weird. What version OS did you build (schematic)?
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


I'm using the one off of tonepad, ver2.  Here are the voltages I show.  I'm using a 9v wall wart.  Is it normal for them to put out 12v with no load?  I've tried 3 diff power supplies and they all put out about 12-12.5v.  I checked all my connections for cold joints and didn't find any.  Anyway here is the OS voltages:

V in: 12.5v
IC1(TL072)  1)11.88  2)11.88  3)0  4)0  5)6.7  6)6.83  7)7.1  8)12.5
Q1(2N5457)  G)2.12  S)1.53  D)1.53
Q2(2N5457)  G)1.49  S)2.14  D)12.5

Here is the voltages on the MXR noisegate (tonepad, ver2)

V in: 12.5v
IC1(TL072) 1)3.76v  2)3.76  3)3.76  4)0  5)0.92  6)1.32  7)1.32  8)12.52
Q1(2N5088)  C)12.5  B)3.46  E)3.04
Q2(2N5088)  C)2.16  B)0.46  E)0
Q3(2N5485)  G)2.81  S)3.75  D)3.75
D1  3.76