A quick thanks to all

Started by 1wahfreak, July 23, 2005, 04:55:10 PM

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Just wanted to thanks to everyone here for their knowledge. I don't contribute too much around here because this electronic stuff is really difficult for me to understand, let alone be able to manipulate to create new things, but I keep trying. I have been scoping around some other discussion boards (artists, gear type stuff) and am amazed at how arrogant and ego filled the boards are. I can't even read them any more. Even if we sometimes get on each others nerves around here, I rarely see ego filled threads or bashing one another's opinions.
Special thanks to Aron and Peter.

Thanks again all for making this one of the best dissusions boards out there.   :D

Paul Marossy

QuoteI have been scoping around some other discussion boards (artists, gear type stuff) and am amazed at how arrogant and ego filled the boards are.

Yeah, unfortunately, this is true a lot of the time. I mirror the same thoughts and gratitude to Aron and the rest of the forumites here.  :)

Connoisseur of Distortion

one of these threads seems to come up every month or so... but i always join in  :D

much thanks to everyone on this forum. it really is the nicest place on the internet.

Mark Hammer

One of the best forms of insurance for the desirable properties you find here is to simply make a point of being a good example to others.  Most people do that, and it always serves to remind people how pleasant it is when that happens.  We have outbursts from time to time, but maintain a pretty good record in general.  Sometimes I think we ought to have one of those signs like you see on some factory floors or hospitals, where they show how many consecutive accident-free days it has been now, only in our case it would be consecutive flame-free days.  :D

Civility....the gift that keeps on giving.


well aslong as we have our resident psychologist, things will always tend towards civility. Thanks guys this is a great place to post.

My project site
Winner of Mar 2009 FX-X

Paul Marossy

QuoteCivility....the gift that keeps on giving.

True statement. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.  :wink:
