Dirty Bird/Rattle crow layout

Started by ninoman123, March 09, 2005, 04:18:30 PM

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Does anyone have either of their layouts with the values? I saw moosapotamus' website but it doesnt have the values.


If you download the software Charlie uses you can download the complete layout.  I'm making one now!  Just waiting for my Small Bear order for the caps (hope to hell my translations from British to American cap designations were right...).


Quote from: inverseroomIf you download the free software Charlie uses you can download the complete layout.  I'm making one now!  Just waiting for my Small Bear order for the caps (hope to hell my translations from British to American cap designations were right...).


HA!  I thought I was hitting the EDIT button but the EDIT button is gone, so I hit QUOTE.  I just wanted to add "free" before "software"!


software doesnt work on my computer. Will you do a print screen and post a .jpg or something. Please? Maybe ill try the software again


nevermind autoexec.nt file missing. Got it fixed and it works. Thanks


For anyone who can't download the PCB software Moosapotamus used to do the Dirty Bird layout and schematic (like me), the two are now available in gif format on his website.
I emailed Moosapotamus last week whining about how much my Mac sucks and I don't have access to a PC, which is what the PCB software requires...
Thanks Moosapotamus!
"Why can't I do it like that?"


Quote from: ThreefishI emailed Moosapotamus last week whining about how much my Mac sucks...
... a little cheese to go with that whine. :P
You are welcome! 8)

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."