Tweak Fuzz Project Submission

Started by spudulike, August 14, 2005, 04:21:40 PM

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This one's for discussion before I build it.

After the recent threads on the Tweak-Fuzz, and my experience with an Axis-Face-Si build from FuzzCentral (thanks Philip  :wink: ), I came up with this. The pcb's are sized to fit in a 1590BB. The main pcb mounts with the pots, the switch pcb mounts with the switch.

No doubt the gurus around here can recommend different values etc.

Khas Evets

Why are you switching the 1M resistor when it's used in every position?


Pull-down for cap selection. Just using the other half of the switch with the poles commoned, the original used a D/S pcb.


Beautiful layouts Spudulike!  I just bought a bunch of those 3-position switches to make Rangemasters with selectable input caps.
