socketing transistors in a ross compressor RTS board

Started by cooljage, August 16, 2005, 02:40:07 AM

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I'm building a ross compressor on a RTS board I got from generalguitargadgets.  I was wondering if there's any way that I can socket the 5 transistors on the board.  The holes are already in a triangle shape on the board, and they're very close together, so I don't think I could break off individual sockets for each hole, and there's definitely not enough room for one of those TO-5 sockets.

I'm just worried about frying my transistors if I don't socket them.  I'm pretty good with the soldering iron, and I could use a heat sink, so maybe I'm worrying too much about it, but it's late and I just might be missing an easy solution to this problem.

Thanks for any help, and sorry if this is a dumb question, there's probably a simple answer but again, it's almost two in the morning and my brain is fried.


If you have to solder them in without sockets just be quick amd use one of those clip-on heat sinks and let the transistor cool after soldering each lead and you should be ok. I soldered in my Big Muff clone's transistors without even a heatsink and they were fine.