opinion needed on a custom made trasformer

Started by mr_doyle, August 24, 2005, 09:28:39 AM

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Hi all,

i'm in the process of having a custom toroidal transformer built to my specs: i'd use it to feed fx pedals.
Input 230VAC, 50Hz.
It will have many secondaries going from 15 thru 24 volts, thus allowing to get 9-18VDC after rectification/regulation.
300mA of current on each sec to be sure that it never let me low on power, and allowing to eventually feed more than one effect if needeed.
Enamel coating allowing 300V of insulation beetween secondaries.
It will be resin impregnated and incapsulated in a metal box.

Am i forgetting anything?

I think it would be good enough to give me enough power for each pedal and provide isolation beetween secondaries avoiding possible ground loops.

Any advice appreciated.


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

For a max regulated output of 18v, secondaries of 16v AC would be plenty. (16 AC gives about 22 peak rectified, more than enough regulator headroom).
Whether you want non-shorting electrostatic shields I don't know, maybe someone has an opinion.



i'd use a LM317 to regulate voltage, and it eats about 3V to operate, then i loose some more passing thru a couple of diodes... then i kept a bit of "safety margin", i'd ilke to avoid surprises.

hope this makes sense.


Pedal love