Just finished doing mods on Boss MT-2.

Started by Burstbucker, August 19, 2005, 03:39:02 PM

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Well, I finished up doing the mods to my Boss Metal Zone pedal last night and then when I went to try it out I had absolutely no sound at all whether the pedal was on or off!!!

I kind of went into a mild panic, thinking that I damaged something but when I looked the PCB over I noticed a tiny blob of solder was shorting-out two traces so I was able to fix that, whew that was a close one.  8^)

Anyway, I tried it out at low volume at home late last night and it sounded quite good but that wasn't a great way to test it so I went to my local music store this afternoon with my modded Metal Zone pedal in hand and I A/B'ed it with a stock MT-2 and the difference is quite obvious, this modded pedal is now much superior to the stock version IMHO.

The only thing that I didn't do was to replace R25(470K) with a 350K resistor because I didn't have one in my parts bin.  I'm not even sure what that mod would do anyway, does anyone know?

I want to thank all of you fellahs for helping me out with this project, this pedal is definately a keeper now.  I would have gotten rid of it if not for these mods, so again thanks!

Guga Ramone


What mods did you made to the pedal?

I have a metal zone too and I modded mine. It's so much better now. If you want to try it here are what I've changed:

- Remove C24 and C35 (leave them open);
- Change D3 and D4 with 1n34A (germanium) and a red LED;
- Add a 47nF in parallel with the clipping diodes.

See ya'!