Inside Behringer FCV100 rocker pedal

Started by Paul Perry (Frostwave), September 18, 2005, 08:18:08 AM

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Paul Perry (Frostwave)

OK! Got one & it's in bits now..
1. Built like a tank, top and bottom plates are steel with moulded rubber attached. The guts are encased in a two-part plastic body, but it doesn't seem brittle.
2. The magic chip is the Mitsubishi M5241L single in line dual voltage controlled amplifier. This would be a nice chip for Steve to get.. AFAIK nobody in the USA has them, and they must be cheap.
3. (a suprise!) there is a stereo pot (B taper 50K) doing the rocking.  :x  :cry: I *SO* wanted it to be a shutter past a led/ldr!
4. The sockets are NOT Switchcraft, but you guessed that, right?
Sorry, I don't have a camera.....