Started by analog kid, September 09, 2005, 06:44:36 PM

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analog kid

I have a ROSS clone built from the TONEPAD layout that although it's working... controls are normal , compression is fine except for an overtone of distortion that is due to the problem I will explain, and all voltages are appx. right on the references at Phillip's site. BUT.... I noticed that ALTHOUGH it is working  ..  When I turn the volume(and sustain) completely OFF there is still a very low volume SPLATTY GATED Sound( coming through the amplifier when the strings are "struck"!!??? Mind you the amp's volume has to be up a bit to really hear it and/or the compressors Sustain being turned up makes it MUCH more audible.

As I said the voltages seem RIGHT ON and I've done a good bit of T.S'ing to figure it out. I figure this symptom is a tell tale sign of a certain area of the circuit or clearly TELLS us where to look first(just doesn't tell ME!)  Something that I know one of you DIY Veterans would recognize! :wink: I really appreciate the imput
See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there to give it all his might..

LP Hovercraft

Dont touch the brown acid!!  Stay away from the war room!!  My first instinct would be to try a different CA3080 in there if you have it socketed.

analog kid

Yes I have tried using the one from another Clone I have but It did the same thing.  I don't know if this is JUST my meter acting out but I do notice that when I'm taking the PIN voltages for the IC ,, Pins 1 and 8 which are connected to nothing , are floating up to like a .004-008v reading . Just the meter probably.
EDIT:  I bet this Helps! ... When audio probing the crkt. , the distortion/gating is happening right at the input capacitor! and is "controlled" by the sustain knob. It's fairly light when CCW and as the sustain is turned up it goes into a totally full on splatty gating. !!
SO , does this tell us anything?? It has me skipping to looking right around the 500k pot that's for sure.
See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there to give it all his might..

analog kid

More "luck" probing.  I found that the sustain knob lugs (and other parts of the crkt> ) seem to supposed to have a distorted signal when probing at least. (Q4 C , Q5 B and E, PIN 5 of the IC) at least that's what I get comparing with my very good sounding and operating Ross clone.
I thought that getting the distorted signal at the very beginning of the signal chain was very strange so I unhooked from the 3PDT and put FX Input straight to Jack, same with output and BAM! I started getting a strong clean signal farther into the circuit when probing.
(I am not sure yet if that means that I had a bad Switch in there or not?)
BUT.... One and only one thing that I can find different so far between the 'good' COMP> AND this one is that IC Pin 7 has a Low probing signal on the tested good unit but is clean/compressed...The problem Comp. does have a low volume at Pin 7 BUT NOT CLEAN+compressed ! It is a dirty "misbiased" sounding .  
Can this be showing the possible problem EVEN THOUGH the voltage of PIN 7 seemed to be within target when I started???
sorry if I am too long winded, it's LATE and I'm gonna pick it up in the morn.
See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there to give it all his might..

LP Hovercraft

Are you feeding it power off of a battery or a wall wart?  Could it be low battery voltage?  Are you using that 3rd leg of the 3PDT to power a LED?  That might be making the difference between headroom and not enough headroom.  A fresh battery would be able to support everything there.  Pin 7 of the CA3080 should go right to +9V-you should not be getting your guitar's signal there.  Could D1 be bad/borderline?  How's your 10mF filter cap?  Lastly, is your guitar using active or passive pickups?

analog kid

battery or wallwart?
Battery right now.
-No LED hooked up yet
-Battery voltage was strong when I took readings
Passive or Active P.U's?
I have Lace Sensor passive pups, but test my crkts w/ lot's of em
(I'll check out the D1 diode and the filter cap, EVEN though they both came from new packs of components)
Finally , are you really sure about Pin 7 that while audio probing,connected to ground, there should be NO guitar signal coming through? I have probed on two of my other "working" great sounding clones and I get what I said, a very low level Compressed sounding signal on that pin. (!?) Which is why I thought I may have tracked the problem "AREA" in this unit...because I was getting the same level signal there but a very misbiased sounding gated signal. seems like a place to look.
 Note: I'm talking LOW level on that Pin 7 audio probing, same with Pin 5 I believe, you really have to CRANK the vol on the 'probing' amp to even hear it.
(sorry I took so long to post)
See the man with the stage fright, just standing up there to give it all his might..