Morley LDR thingie

Started by Gladmarr, October 07, 2005, 11:46:51 AM

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Does anyone know what type of LDR is used in the wah section of the Morley Rotating Wah?  I'm sure it's the same one used in the old Tel-Ray made Morleys.  There's no real part number on it, and I think mine may be dying.  Any thoughts/references would much appreciated.  :icon_mrgreen:

Mike Burgundy

I'm not sure on the exact value, but there's even room for experimentation here. You want a reasonably fast one, light-is-ON. Try a couple and see how they sound. If you have one with extended range, the wah is going to be a bit wider.
You could take this one out of the circuit and measure it's light and dark resistances to get a good idea of the ballpark - even if it's not working too well anymore.


yo, good plan.  I kinda knew I was going to have to go about it the hard way, but I figured no harm in asking if there was a quick fix.  I just happen to have an assortment pack of LDRs that I got at Radio Shizack a few months back, so I'll be giving it a try.

By the way, if the LDR is going bad, will the wah be all scratchy and skudgy, or will it just not work?


Contact Morley; I once fixed a Morley pedal flanger and they sended me a lot of LDR's to fix it.
Am learning something new every day here

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