1st build Foxx Tone Machine, works but needs more output...

Started by any, October 17, 2005, 06:20:32 AM

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Hello there!

After lurking the forums for a while,I recently started my first build.
As I am kind of a Fuzz nut, I had chosen the Foxx Tone Machine as my first build.
It actually didn't work first time due to the fact that I had soldered the trannies in reverse,
but after correcting that it souded absolutely great!
I want to have more output though, it can get decently loud but for a band situation it's often
not loud enough.
Is there a way to increase the output volume on this lovely circuit?

Also, when the effect is on and I stop playing, a decentl hum "fades" in... is that normal?
And I recieved some U.S. based radio on it last night, pretty freaky when you live in The Netherlands...  :icon_biggrin:
Should better shielding prevent these issues? (it's in a Hammond enclosure allready with a groundwire)
It was however quite a nice sound effect (It was some relegious debate, coming straight through my post rock jam...)

Thanks in advance, best regards,

It's supposed to sound that way.



i have bulid a FTM.  I think it has more than enough output.  What type of guitar and amp are you using?  I like the effect with the octave switch on.  I have to back off the level and sustain to get somthing useable. 

                      Later, Garrock


I second that. My FTM has almost more output than I can handle.
"If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest, or some guy on TV telling you how to do your shit, then YOU DESERVE IT."
- Frank Zappa


Well it's probably due to the way I use it.
I have gain on full, tone fully backed off (or 7 o'clock as you will) and volume on full.
It doesn't cut that well with the tone backed off,but with the tone turned up it gets too
splattery and shrill.
So that's mainly why I want more output... is it possible?
And does anyone have ideas on the noise issue I listed?

It's supposed to sound that way.


I have just recently built this on stripboard after seeing rave reviews here. What transistors did you use? I tried it with 2N3904s and then with BC108s. The 108s were much louder and the pedal is great for stoner rock. Our drummer was most impressed! Unfortunately it doesn't cut through very well in our punk band. I fitted 2 DPDT locking switches to control the octave as I originally had a push on/off switch for that but found I had it on a lot. The second switch also contols a 2 colour LED through the millenium bypass turning the diode from red to green when the octave is engaged.


I've build it with the recommended 2N3565 and it sounds really great, just need about 20% more on the volume dial to keep cutting through with the tone rolled back.
I do use it for a lot of stoner-stuff, hence the rolled back tone knob...  :icon_wink:
I've build mine with dual footswitch and dual led,this way I can see if the octave is on or off before i engage the effect.

isn't there a simple way to make the output stage louder?
I'm kinda new on this stuff,but i recon this shouldn't be that hard....right?  :icon_mrgreen:
It's supposed to sound that way.


Am learning something new every day here

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