Limiting Section Schematics?

Started by varialbender, October 19, 2005, 07:18:33 PM

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Hey, I'm new here...
I'm trying to design something that requires a limiting section, and was wondering if any of you know of any good limiting schematics. I'm looking for something very functional, not that limiters are as 'tone'-based as compressors, but yeah, functional. Any explanations would be nice too. Thanks

PS do I get a fruit basket or something?

you it's good compressor i think, read the datasheet ssm2166, you can also buy it from
regards - opik


PAIA used 2 have a dual limiter kit.

EPFM by Anderton has a compressor/limiter project also.
PAIA, i think, still sells the pcbs.

TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I think it depends a bit on exactly why you want the limiting. Is it for digital recording? PA amp protection? Avoidign radio overmodulation? All different applications, maybe requiring different solutions. But i agree, it would be hard to beat the SSM2166 in a mic preamp situation.


I'm looking to put it into part of a guitar pedal. It's not so much for protection of equipment, really. Just for audio effect. I'm looking for something as generic as possible. I don't want any tone tied into it. I want it to do exactly its job, and nothing more. The more bare-bones the better.



Try the Elektor compressor. Look at the links "schematics" here above the site and scroll down to "elektor". You'll see "compressor + distortion". The section before the bright switch is a plain simple compressor. I'm planning this build too.
Rules apply only for those who are not allowed to break them


Do you need compression, or a brick wall limiter? For compression, check out Johan's LA Light sidechain - one dual opamp and a vactrol. Buffer the input and output, and it should be pretty transparent.


I'm looking for something closer to a brick wall limiter. I don't want any softer sounds to be amplified, I just need the louder sounds to come down in volume. Actually, now that I think of it, do you know of any that will have the entire sound come down in volume, rather than just the loudest frequency? Or is that how they all work? I'm thinking that if I had my limiter on with a volume pedal in front of it, I'd like the volume pedal to hit a point where it's not increasing the volume anymore because it's past the limiter's threshold, and it's also not changing the tone.


Mark Hammer

Limiters work by "declaring" a threshold above which further changes in input signal level are effectively ignored and it all comes out the same volume if its over that level.  What's below the level remains untouched.  If it's a "deluxe" limiter, you can set the threshold and also set how much dynamic variation in output level is produced/tolerated above that threshold, for tighter and looser squish.

The SSM2166 is a nifty chip in that it provides not only limiting of higher level signals, but expansion of lower level ones as well, for noise reduction purposes.  I know you can set the threshold for downward expansion, but I forget whether you can set the threshold for upward compression/limiting.


now That`s a corporation you got to love: you do get what you pay for...

[edit]: Mark; - I waited this time...  :icon_wink: