DIY Small clone issue

Started by wui223, October 28, 2005, 09:03:04 AM

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I recently have my DIY small clone to test by a luthier friend. As he played a vintage small clone several years before. His comment on my small clone is : too much colour, the original guitar tone was affected too much, and the sound become thinner with some cut of mid.

My question is: Is there anyone here have the same thinking for their own/ friend's DIY Small Clone? Is there any possible way to improve the tone quality to make it less "colour" or minimize the effect on the guitar tone?


You could make the 20k from point D (in tonepad circuit) a bit higher, giving less modulated signal. Or you could put in a pot there as a "blend" control. The mid problem is a remark I cannot figure out. EQ?
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