Phase 45 alternate FET question

Started by ildar, November 06, 2005, 10:57:19 PM

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I'm making a second attempt at the Phase 45, using Tonepad's layout. First time I didn't try and match the FETs
Has anyone here used anything other than the specified FETs in this circuit, if so, what did you use, and did you have to change the value of the 5.1 zener in the circuit (as I understand might be necessary)?


You can use almost any JFET that has a VGSoff of less than the zener voltage. I like 2N5485, but 2N5292 was in the original, and some people have even gotten it to work with razor-edge J201's. Here's what to do: find out what JFETs you can actually get, then go research their datasheet on the net. Google does a good job. Find the gate to source cutoff voltage (Vgsoff) on the datasheet. The reference zener must be equal to or less than the JFETs you actually use in the circuit. You really can't make the reference zener much bigger than 5.1V. I'd have stayed with 4.5V max, but it's not my layout. Order three times as many JFETs as you really need - that's six in this case, and cobble together a JFET matcher. Not using a JFET matcher is like buying a Lotto ticket - sometimes you get a small prize, but don't expect to get rich.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


I second the 2N5485's. I had a handful of MPF102's and just 2 2N5485's and they're the only two that would work in my Phase 45 clone (No matching done).  I also used a 4.5v zener, as that was all I was able to get, works fine.
The JFETS are only providing a variable resistance to ground, so don't get too hung up about it. Just use whatever works, like R.G says!