Fuzzface pot is not working

Started by miraclehat, November 06, 2005, 04:38:16 AM

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Hey everyone, this is my first go making a fuzz pedal and i cant get the fuzz knob to work! I have wired everything as per the schematic here: http://www.muzique.com/schem/fuzzface3.gif The only change i made is that c2 is 22uf instead of 20 (as it says you can). So meanwhile,

If i disconnect y and just run straight through the pot to ground i get clean tone
If i disconnect the ground and run x-y i get full fuzz
If i connect all three i get silence, like its shorting out.

Any ideas? Also, the fuzz effect cuts out very abruptly as soon as the volume drops from the guitar input (eg, as the string rings out) which is pretty uncool. The volume pot works no worries.

Whoa, i just noticed that the battery was getting really hot when i had stuff only semi-wired (while i was typing)... obvously thats bad, maybe a clue?



You're building the NPN FF ?
Make sure 9v+ and ground are correct also that the caps are the right way round
Sounds like you may have 9v going where it shouldn't or a "bridge" of solder somewhere ..
Battery should NOT get hot ... only when you have a "short" in the  circuit !!
Have a look at the FAQ and "what to do when it doesn't work"

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm"
My Website www.martinlister.com


Whoa, i just noticed that the battery was getting really hot when i had stuff only semi-wired (while i was typing)... obvously thats bad, maybe a clue?
   IF it's a direct short, it's easy to see with the DMM, it'll beep in continuity mode when placed across the battery clip lugs, ITITCase, connecting battery means you'll quickly have dead battery.
  If the battery's getting hot, it's a near direct short anywya and will kill the battery almost as fast.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I just noticed that the 330ohm resistor is actually 300Kohm... thats a problem to start with  :icon_wink:

I think the battery short was something else becuase it hasnt happened again. Still though, if i dont ground the pot, i get a full fuzz signal and the pot has no effect - if i do ground it i get absolutely nothing.

This doesnt make any sense to me since the pot simply connects to the capacitor and then to ground anyway... Am i misunderstanding something? Seems to me, the pot should be varying how much current goes through the capacitor and how much just grounds out.

If i hit the switch, the bypass signal works fine so it seems like something on the chip is grounded where it shouldnt be (right?) but it all looks 100%.


Ok, replaced the resistor with the correct one, which has made the signal really quiet when the pot is not earthed and still shorts everything out when it is. Sorry, should have done this earlier:

Bat by itself = .8v
Output gnd - PCB Power in = 7.98v
Output gnd - PCB gnd = 0V

C = 0.54
B = 1.59
E = 0

C = 0.95
B = 1.59
E = 0.91

+ = 0.54
- = 0

+ = 0.91
- = 0


Transistors were in backwards... go me!