Switching two pedals at once

Started by erick4x4, December 18, 2005, 06:11:45 PM

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I have built a mini-boost, and a mosfet boost, and I use the miniboost before my od/dist boxes, and use the mosfet boost, at the very end of the chain to boost everything.  So for most solos I want both, I want the sustain of a boost before distortion, and the output to be a little louder . . .

So I want to put them together in one box with 2 ins and 2 outs so I can put one earlier in fx chain, and one in the end.  How can I switch these both in and out, and hopefully still a LED.  Wouldn't that be a 4pdt or 5pdt? Does this even exist in a footswitch?  Is there another way?



Khas Evets

You need to poles per boost circuit, one for input and one for output.

I would want the ability to switch each boost on individually, but that's me. Two 3PDT switches, side by side would accomplish that. If you want both on together, you stomp on both at the same time. Both that's not very elegant.

You could use a 4PDT and two millenium bypasses. 4PDT stomp switches do exist, but they're expensive.


I guess I could just use 2 3pdt switches and put em real close, so I can step on both if I want.


Try putting them in one 1590BB box and use Dragonfly's 2-in-1 wiring diagram which is here:


You could just add an extra pair of jacks so that each pedal had it's own ins & outs...

Andy Harrison
It's all about signal flow...
Hairyandy's Layout Gallery



In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: erick4x4 on December 18, 2005, 07:26:43 PM
I guess I could just use 2 3pdt switches and put em real close, so I can step on both if I want.

You don't need to put them too close together. I use a dual-loop bypass pedal for this function, and the 3PDTs are the long width of a 1590BB apart (3" center to center). It's easy to stomp both switches at once, but it retains the flexiblity of having two seperate loops. The simplest, and one of the most useful pedals I have.

Kerry M