FREE BEER!!! AKA:Help me volumate my EA Trem, please!

Started by pi22seven, February 11, 2006, 04:53:06 PM

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I built the EA Trem from ROG ( not too long ago and it really sounds great.

However, I finally put the 100k volume pot in and it doesn't work. It acts like it isn't even in the circuit, just full bore boosted trem volume. I've double-triple checked that I have the right wire from the board, checked that the pot is connected correctly and tried a different pot with the same results.

Has anyone else had this prob?

Any pointers in the right direction would really, really appreciated.

the dude

I'm sure its just a wiring problem. lug1 should be connected to ground, lug2 should be connected to the output "hot" jack lug, lug 3 should be coming from the out of the circuit, Now you can send be some beer.