OT - Cool Synth Project in March 2006 Nuts-N-Volts Magazine

Started by erix, March 01, 2006, 07:02:04 PM

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There's a nice project in the above issue by Ray Wilson, he of Music From Outer Space

Link --> http://www.musicfromouterspace.com/

You can findt the schem and most of the copy from the article on his site as well as order the PCB for the synth.

Of particular note is his other smaller project, the Wierd Sound Generator which can be easily interfaced to a guitar.

All in all, a cool site - check it out!



The sequencer on that site looks nice too, and it looks like a pc board is available.  Really cool site, thanks for the link.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Ray really knows his stuff. He's really got it together & lots of people have been successful builders using his PCBs. He's definitely given a boost to the DIY synth community.