OrangeSqueezer bass mod - not noticiable

Started by SuperGeo, December 06, 2005, 05:51:14 PM

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Hi people

I've built an orangesqueezer for me... nice compressor, I could feel it altering the dinamics of my picking ok

then I've built an Ross Compressor and decided to make the modifications shown on TONEPAD on the OS to give it to the bass player of my band
But now the compression only can be felt with an configuration of the trimpot that makes the volume lower than the bypassed

Any ideas? just don't want to give him a 'fake' present  :icon_redface:



Sounds like your overloading the input so the dynamics change? is that y u have to turn the trim pot down?


actually I don't think that it's overloading the input. But I found that more the trimpot is down, more compression I got and lower the volume. But when I set the trimpot near the middle (a little bit down), It makes the volume as loud as the bypassed,  but got not much compression and it makes me need to turn the pot more down and then make the volume lower, to feel the compression


I wonder if that trim pot is a Mix pot between compression effect and the dry signal so if u want more compression its less dry signal
im guessing do u have the schematic and the mod u did ?


well I don't know it its like that but the schematic and the mods are here

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I havn't looked at the schem, but often if you change the value of a filter cap in a compressor, the "average" voltage level changes, and the gain with it. So there might have to be a compensating gain change somewhere (probably just a feedback resistor).


Sounds like the Ratio's changed maybe? the Ratio of Dry to compression


Just a thought, are you trying the bass mods on a bass? The bass mods probably won't work correctly on a regular guitar.


Quote from: seanm on December 11, 2005, 06:19:44 PM
Just a thought, are you trying the bass mods on a bass? The bass mods probably won't work correctly on a regular guitar.

Yes I tryied the bass mods present at Tonepad in a Bass