IC substitution - NE5532N for RC5532N?

Started by smnm, March 19, 2006, 07:23:37 AM

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I dropped a guitar on my PAiA/Anderton ring mod!
Now the carrier signal works but no ring - one of the ICs died I guess.
I think the carrier signal is generated by the LM565, so it's the other one (right?), which I'm having now difficulty finding - the RC5532N.
Are the first two letters a manufacturer code? Can I substitute a NE5532N for the RC5532N?


Paul Perry (Frostwave)

That's an OK substitution, but (unless the chip is actually snapped in half!) I would be VERY suprised to find it damaged just from having a guitar drop on it.
Cracked board? Component lead cracked at PCB joint? Resistor cracked? all much more likely in my experience.


Thanks Paul
I'll get the board out this week and do a thorough check