Yawn...another wah problem

Started by Ry, March 23, 2006, 11:42:21 PM

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So I've heavily modded my old crybaby (I really hated the way it sounded).  I did the 6 position input cap switch, bandpass sharpness pot, built a halo inductor and installed it, put in a J201 input buffer, changed out the other transistors for BC 109c's, did the true bypass mod, changed the pot, and installed a DC jack that works with my Boss p/s chain.  Everything sounded great until I boxed it up and started playing with it...

When I switch it on and start playing with it, I get random crackling that is very, very loud and will go away after a couple minutes or after I rotate the bandpass sharpness pot.  It doesn't click much when I engage the switch, just when I rotate the pot via the treadle.  Could I have DC leaking across the wah pot?  If so, why would it go away over time? 

Any ideas?



I don't know if that might sound silly, but i had a similar problem and when i reversed the inductor leads it stopped...

coincidence? i don't know. but it worked...



That is odd.  I will try it.
