Locobox AD-15 - Rack mount delay/reverb (pics)

Started by Sam, March 31, 2006, 12:32:12 PM

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Latest finding. I bought i for about 50$. It's a Japan made (Aria) rack mounted analog dalay with a wonderful, cheesy sounding, small spring reverb. There are separate outs for dry, delay and reverb as well as an internal mixer, can handle different input signal levels and has tone controls in the feedback loop. It uses a 24V AC (?)wallwart.

It sounds good but seems to have to little headroom for nice self-osc effects, it's distorting heavily when the "flying saucer effect" kick in (strange considering being driven by 24V). It needs some renovation (scratchy pots and the reverb tank has come loose) and I'm also thinking about changing the tone controlls for more avalible bass/treble cut (bass mainly for being able to give the self-osc more headroom). Does anybody have schems and/or info on this circuit? E-mail me privately at: jsammelin@hotmail.com



Input and output meters om the right as well as bottons for signal level.

Inside (what a cute little reverb-tank!):

There seems to be loads of ICs in there...
"Where's the paper bag that holds the liquor?
Just in case I feel the need to puke." - Silver Jews

Mark Hammer

Nice score, a BBD/spring combo is a nice thing to have.


Quote from: Mark Hammer on March 31, 2006, 12:39:57 PM
Nice score, a BBD/spring combo is a nice thing to have.

Thanks. Yeah, i'm really tempted to rehouse it and put it on my pedalboard, but i need it in the studio. The PT-80 or my DD-3 will do for live gigs...

BTW, do you think reducing the bass in the feedback loop drasticly will give more "flying saucer attack" capabilities?
"Where's the paper bag that holds the liquor?
Just in case I feel the need to puke." - Silver Jews


funny, I have a Suplex se-4200 that is exactly the same thing! I got it for 5 bucks at a flea market!
Same thing, little headroom, plus the innput volume on both channels of mine are very touchy, you have to set it extremely precisely...

I don't complaine too much about it, the problem is the hum that really comes out when you run a distortion before it...and the delay which is too short...
apart from that, you can really get some cool atmospheres out of it, imagine yourself in monument valley with an indian chief playing flute really far away...the mix of reverb and delay is really cool...