Help extracting an Ibanez electronic switch from a TS 808 schematic...

Started by Morocotopo, March 26, 2006, 01:52:36 PM

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Mark Hammer

Question:  While the JFETs used for switching in Boss, DOD, and similar pedals have a low "on" resistance, it is rarely zero ohms, but something low enough to be considered like a "low resistance wire".  I'm wondering if, assuming there are no suitable JFETs for switching with near-zero on resistances, it would offer any advantage to use a pair of JFETs in parallel such that the "on" resistance becomes their combined parallel resistance?

Now that I think of it, though, I guess that means their "off" resistance would still be parallel too, which is not such a good thing since we want off to be a higher, not lower resistance.

Boy, that was a dumb idea.  Sure glad I didn't think it.


Now I'm just wondering, but was that post meant to be a lesson for all of us, or do you just type as you think? It really seemed like I was flying along with the synapses of a genius, or a mad-man. Not quite sure.


Mark Hammer

I was typing as I thought.  Initially, I was intrigued about the idea, but as you can see, when it dawned on me there there was the "off" state to contend with, and I had been too preoccupied with the "on" state, things kind of ground to a halt.

At first, I thought that would be justification to simply drop the post, but then it occurred to me that such less-brilliant-than-you-thought-it-was "insights" happen all the time, and newbies need to know about them.  Both to encourage them to follow their flashes a little bit further along and consider the bigger picture, where things might have unforeseen consequences, and to remind them that folks who they think know a lot ALSO have such thoughts that end up being dead ends.  Hell, dead ends are probably more the norm than the exception.

All birds, even turkeys, look graceful....until they fly head first into a wall. :icon_wink:


Mark, I think it´s cool to express your ideas, so we people with less experience can learn...
Now, since this thread seems to have slowed down a bit  ;D ;D, news report:
I´m trying to design a PCB for the boss switch, and man, WHAT A PAIN IN THE *SS THAT IS!! I´m running out of pencils and brain cells! Yeah, i know there are softwares for that, but I don´t want to learn yet another soft just for one simple circuit.
Is there not someone that has already made it??
I´m stubborn, I´ll keep trying...