AMZ Mini Booster - questions

Started by beatstrat, March 30, 2006, 12:00:35 PM

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I built Jack's Mini Booster (JFET) and really love the sound of it.  I didn't have, thus didn't use, the J201s, but used the Mxx102s instead (I can't remember the the correct alpha designation, sorry).  I'd read that the J201s would provide more output.  The amount of boost/output that the pedal currently provides is 'enough' for my use, but I have a question regarding that.  I used a 100K Ohm Log pot and from 'zero' (~7 o'clock pot rotation) to ~10 o'clock the boost volume is gradual and as expected, but beyond ~ 11 o'clock or so, there is very little to no additional boost in volume.  Even though it doesn't get any louder about this point (10 - 11 o'clock), the fat (wonderful) harmonic content does seem to increase (or, I could be imagining it).  **Question:  Is what I'm experiencing because of the MFP102s (or whatever the correct alpha designation is) as it is/would be their nature to 'max out' in this circuit - or - is this situation because of the potentiometer that I used?  *Would this 'maxing out' of boost volume/output still occur with the J201s?

Secondary mini booster question:  How much difference is there in the sound of the JFET booster and the MOSFET booster by Jack?

As you can probably tell, I'm very new at this and am really only 'painting by numbers', but am learning and having lots of fun doing so.  Thanks for any help/ideas you can give me.

Pics here:


I can help with your second question:

The Mosfet Boost is super clean.  It adds no (noticable) distortion and allows the high end to get thru your cables & boxes...putting a sparkle there which I love.  If your run it may cause distortion in your amp.

The mini-boost colors your tone...but in a nice way...making it sound fatter.  It adds distortion...but not anything fuzzy or crunchy.  And you can try different output caps to adjust to taste.


  I believe it'll distort with either, but the J201's have more gain, and allt hese Jfets vary, same brand/type to the next Jfet can have wide variance, so I usually socket these transistors.
  I finished YAMB [yet another minibooster] yesterday, nice box and switch, I like having two of these things on the pedal board [this one's the botique boost]. I use a smaller cap at the S/G of the top Transistor, .1uf, ITCase.
  I haven't diddled with swapping JFets on this one, sounds and works just great the way it is boxxed.
  I actually prefer the lower gain [the circuit IMO has plenty of push either way] Q's in there, NTE458's just sound too 'rough' to my reckoning.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


OK, so over the past few days I took out the 102s and installed the J201s.  Wow - wwaayy more output, but less harmonically corpulent tone.  I really dug the way the 102s had a little more compressed, fatter sound - so tonight, I stuck them back in.

Thanks for all the helps/words.