Building fuzz Face, turn it on......9V battery gets HOT, what happened?!

Started by NeedlessKane, April 09, 2006, 07:20:10 PM

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Hello Everyone.

I've been working on my first build, a Fuzz Face.  I got everything hooked up correctly *I thought* and I hook it sound through my amp, but when i turn the pots I can tell a tonal difference change in the hum of the amp......but that's about it.

But when I went to take the battery off it was HOT. Wow I dunno what happened. ANy IDeas?

Btw, I hooked up the inputs and outputs directly to the jacksw /o any switches to try to see if the darn thing would do anything.



What does this button do?


Usually when a battery gets hot, it's because the positive and negative terminals are connected together.  Check to see if you might have both the battery terminals connected to the same node in the circuit.


  Check that with the DMM Beep mode, with leads across the battery clip lugs +/-...if it beeps don't connect the battery until...
  You've found and eliminated the short...finding it with the DMM is the easy part, finding how to eliminate it is the tasky part, DMM is of no use there I know of.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks guys. I rdid some more seraching and I found a post where someone had their transistors in backwards and I flipped mine around and now the battery doesn't get hott, but........Now i'm worried tha tmy germaniums are fried crispy.  I double checked the orientation b4 i plugged everything  up but apparantly i was wrong.  Can anyone verify the correct layout? And are my germaniums fried?  Gah I hope not.



probably haven't fried the germaniums in a FF circuit by reverse pinning them...but if the FF circuit was wired wrongly in addition to reverse connecting, then they may be toasted.

You can always test them if you have a breadboard.  Search GEO for instructions for testing gain on the germs.  If the gain tests out reasonable with the GEO test, then they're ok.  If weird things happen, then you likely have toasted them.
tr.v. trans·mog·ri·fied, trans·mog·ri·fy·ing, trans·mog·ri·fies To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre.


delbowski:  Wow thanks that site is great.  I was attempting to do the postive ground and apparantly it's better/easier to do the negative so I'll try that.

Transmogrifox:  I'm certain that the circuit is wired properly, I think the problem is in my input/outputs and the grounds.  I found on the GGG site that the correct way to read the pins on the germanium is :

1    3   

So 1 is the Emitter, 2 is the base and 3 is the collector? Correct?  Also, on my trannies there's this little metal tab that sticks out towards the #1 pin, is this the emitter marker?  I haven't read that anywhere but it seems like it'd make sense.

Thanks in advance.