Ruby wiring help. How to modify this diagram?

Started by lchyi, April 11, 2006, 05:28:06 PM

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I want to wire up a Ruby so that it turns on like a regular amp, it'll power up with a DPDT toggle switch (won't drain the battery if powered off and the input jack is occupied) and light an LED. Also,  GGG says that you need a Zobel Network for headphone out. First, what is a Zobel network, I think I remember it having something to do with impedance or something... Second, is it absolutely necessary to use? I have some nice Audio Technica headphones that would work fantastic for this project.

Thanks to Fransisco Pena at Tonepad for this lovely diagram made available to download.


This will show you how to hook up headphones:

And pardon my crappy pic (I'm at work so only have access to Paint) but this is how to wire your switch:

Red wire comes from your battery, make sure it is connected to both sides of the DPDT.  Blue wire goes to wherever the red wire was going before you diverted it to the switch.  The green wire goes to your LED/resistor.  The bottom two poles are unused.  Wired like this with the switch down no power to the amp or LED, switch up powers both.


Here you go, as you see you dont need the bypass unless you are going into a pedal.

If the only output you have is to headphones you don't need to do anything else. But if you have a internal speaker you will need a switched mono jack.

pyrop ;D


my ruby is hooked up to speakers directly which is different than having it in stompbox style but here's what i did...

i hooked my ruby up to an spdt toggle switch. i put the positive battery lead to one side of the switch, and the center of the switch to where the positive goes on the circuit board. i also hooked the negative battery lead up as normal so it has to be plugged in and the switch in the "on" position to turn on   ;-)


Thanks ya'll, that makes a lot of sense pyrop, I might go and do that. I was considering the spdt way but I already ordered a bunch of dpdt toggles!