Good project that involves a 12ax7

Started by rockgardenlove, April 17, 2006, 06:09:49 AM

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So I have a spare 12ax7 that I took out of my amp, its not dead, I just got some better tubes.  So of course, I'd like to tinker with it :)

Anyone know of any small single tube circuits that might be fun to build?  I'm looking for something really simple, so I'm not overwhelmed with too much info, I'm new to tubes.  Could I build a booster or something?  I'd prefer to use mostly passive components, I don't really want to add a bunch of transistors and IC's and whatever.



Check out the Real McTube, by the late, great Fred Nachbaur.
It uses a 12AX7 (or 12AT7) as a high-gain overdrive.
Not a simple build, but well worth it.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


Looks like a good project.  Thanks. 

Anyone know of anything else that might be a good newbie tube project?




Tube driver sounds much better with a 12AY7.


I kinda like the transparancy of unlabeled 12AX7 s.  :icon_razz:

Connoisseur of Distortion

i have a small bin devoted to unused 12AX7s.

believe me, they just kinda pile up.

i never could get my tube driver running... bad mojo there, or something... spent 10 odd hours debugging!  >:(