Big thanks to Bellyflop, Peter (WIKI!!!!)

Started by aron, April 29, 2006, 01:30:51 PM

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for saving our Wiki.

Also thanks to robotboy who helped our wiki as well!

If you guys haven't been looking, our wiki was vandalized over and over again.... It became quite frustrating after a while. Now with Bellyflops and Peter's help, we have a more secure wiki and hopefully more people will start using it. The only caveat is that you need an account to use it. Write me if you'd like to add to the wiki.

Since the whole idea of a Wiki is to grow. I hope it will allow you guys some freedom to go beyond the rigid confines of the forum. So what I am saying is that if you guys want to add your own types of articles (music DIY related - like how you improved your amp tone by changing the tone stack or how you built this or that and it helped your tone, go for it.) By all means please use it.

Hopefully it will allow you guys to put up your article on how your built your first NPN boost or A/B box etc.... without having to have a dedicated website etc....

It's the same "engine" that powers wikipedia so it should be powerful enough for us.

Thanks again Peter and Bellyflop!


The Tone God

Wow that looks good. :icon_eek:

Great job everyone.



Glad to help.   The Wiki has a LOT of potential.  As I mentioned to Aron, a few years ago you couldn't have paid me to look at a Wiki.  It just wasn't on my radar, ya know?  If any of you are there... well, you're probably not reading this thread.  But if you are, take a look at this thing, and start writing!  Paging Mr. Hammer...
Help build our Wiki!