ohms law question

Started by joelb79, May 04, 2006, 04:46:58 AM

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if you wire 2 reisitors in series, say 800m ohm and a 400m ohm, which one will get more power?

and if so, does the same apply to an ac ciruit?


Get more power? If you mean dissipate more power then:

The current flowing through both resistors will be the same so - power dissipated = current squared x resistance
V=IxR,    Power=VxI = (IxR)xI =I2R

thus the 400 ohm resistor will dissipate half the power of the 800 ohm resistor.

The result is the same for DC and AC.

Peter Snowberg

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well say instead of resistors, these are speakers.

in series, does a 4 ohm speaker get less power than an 8 ohm speaker? comon knowledge tells me that the 8 ohm speaker gets less power, but i may be wrong running ohms law into this formula.