Electric Mistress Power Question

Started by A.J., May 07, 2006, 09:37:46 PM

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Hi Everyone - I started building a couple of months ago and things have been going pretty well, with a lot of help from the forum - a great resource.

I just finished the Small Clone from Tonepad and it worked perfectly right off - was feeling a little gutsy so I'm attempting the Deluxe Electric Mistress using the GGG layout.

So, this may seem like a really basic question, but: I was thinking that I might avoid the transformer for now and just use two batteries for the 18V (knowing that they'll probably get eaten up pretty quickly) - can anyone recommend the best way to connect this up?  Can I just stick one battery on each of the pads that the transformer would connect to, or should they be in series to just one of them?  Something I haven't had to deal with so far.....learning as I go.....



Use a 1044 charge pump converter to boost 9v  to about 17v and use a power supply.