Tremulus lune optocoupler.....

Started by pupina, May 16, 2006, 11:28:57 AM

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I'm quite confused: which optocoupler i have to use in a Tremulus Lune?
Is it the VTL5C2 or the VTLC3???
which one is the best or the most recommended, and what kind of trimpot I have to use whit it?
Let me know your experiences about, please.



the vtl5c2 from Small Bear worked like a champ in mine a 25k trimmer seemed to find unity gain for me...if you are building the tonepad layout, you'll need a small one. OR you can make it an external level control if you really want to...
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.


thanks Superpuma.
Does anyother has tried a VTL5C3 in place of the 5C2 as suggested in Pisotones article about Tremulus Lune?


i'm making tonepad's tremulus lune, can i use a 0-5k ldr and set the trimmer? it's too low?


Nobody still asked to my question...may i use a VTL5C3 in the Tremulus Lune project? What i have to modify if i choose to use this Vactrol optocoupler?
Please help me, this pedal is a must for many DIY'ers


from what I can tell, it should be fine... if you post in the forum, Dann the designer of the Trem Lune will help you out. I'm sure the only real difference is the resistance spectrum... I can't tell what the range is for the vtl5c3...
Breadboards are as invaluable as underwear - and also need changed... -R.G.
