which tl072xxx from mouser stock number?

Started by Drunk_on_NyQuil, May 23, 2006, 04:08:11 AM

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i am buying some carbon composition resistors from mouser, and was wanting to get a tl072 to put in my memory man. but which mouser stock number do i use? there are so many. i would by it from small bear, but he doesnt have the other stuff i am needing to get as well. anyone else ordered this op-amp from mouser? any help would be greatly appreciated. also, i was looking to build the boss ce2 chorus from the tonepad site. will a tl072 sub for the tl022. have a great day.



I always use a TL082 instead of the 072.  It's available at most Radio Shacks and pretty much works the same from my experience.  They're not expensive and it won't hurt to give it a try.