Pedals for acoustic guitar or something?

Started by tc_dk86, May 16, 2006, 02:50:37 PM

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Hi all,

I was just wondering if anybody had ready-to-build schematics (or guides) for random things witch I can build for acoustic guitars. I really don't play guitar I just wanna build stuff :o)

Hope to hear from you soon,

Gilles C

A compressor would be useful for an accoustic guitar. But it depends on your experience building stuff.

A Purple Peaker could be a better one to start with. And it normally works right away. I like the one I built with the original values.

I didn't use that layout, but this could be a good start.



Thank you Gilles!

I'll give the purple peaker a try. I also saw some schematics for compressors at . Are these also compatible for acoustic guitar?
I have another question..ehh..hehe.. Jack-input and -output on FXs. Do you usually do
* female-input and female-output
* female-input and cable male-output
* cable male-input and female-output

Sorry about my English - hope my question made sense

Have a nice day - T.C.


I use an Orange Squeezer on my acoustic guitar. A Rat also sound great on one!
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


+1 on Orange Squeezer.   I like analog chorus sometimes too.

Mark Hammer

You could call it an effect or you could consider it simply bringing out what's already there, but an exciter circuit will make any acoustic guitar sound brighter and more "acoustic".  Jules Ryckebusch had a circuit called the "Harmonic Sweetener" in Electronic Musician some years back.  The schematic is here:

The circuit works well.  The original did not have the variable filter, but had fixed resistors instead.  I added the tunability features to adapt to different guitars.


Quote from: tc_dk86 on May 25, 2006, 04:49:40 AM

I have another question..ehh..hehe.. Jack-input and -output on FXs. Do you usually do
* female-input and female-output
* female-input and cable male-output
* cable male-input and female-output

Usually it's dual female. But that's what's great about building it on one's own - you have the liberty to build the box to match your needs. If you feel like it, you could just build two cables coming out of the box, with no jacks. Or build a plug right on one wall of the box.  :)
