ROG Tube Reamer - pot values ??

Started by beatstrat, May 25, 2006, 06:49:16 PM

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Regarding Run Off Groove's Tube Reamer, what will happen if I substitue the volume pot value of 100K Ohms for 50K Ohms?  I have a 50K on hand and would like to try to use it if the results will be 'ok'.  Any advice would be appreciated; thanks.


You'll only get half the sweep range of the 100k pot...

Try putting fixed resistors on either end to find a sweet spot in the middle...

Or, you can put a 100k resistor in parallel with the two outer lugs.


Thanks; I think I'll add the 100K across the outer lugs of the pot.  Thanks again!


Quote from: gtrwrks on May 25, 2006, 08:00:16 PM
Thanks; I think I'll add the 100K across the outer lugs of the pot.  Thanks again!

That's not going to have the effect that you're looking for. The volume control is a voltage divider, so Rockgardenlove's first suggestion (fixed resistors either side of lugs 1 and 3) could work. But putting a 100k resistor in parallel with a 50k pot is not going to make a 100k pot. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure exactly what effect it would have, but it's not what you're looking for. Read up on how voltage dividers work as volume controls, and you'll have a better idea of what you might want to do... other than going out and getting a 100k pot.