Vanishing point help

Started by Cody, June 01, 2006, 09:38:48 PM

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  I finally got the parts to put together for a Vanishing Point 2.1... Thank you very, very much Tonegod.

  I muddled around with the random side but couldn't get it to work.  I'd decided I wasn't really interested a random function this time around anyway so I used that half of the 4093 to mimic the first half.  I'm working on switching between the two sides with a 3PDT switch.  I'm thinking that I can have each side set to different tempos.

  My question is would it possible to speed up or slow down the clock that the 4017 is seeing gradually as a transition between the two?  Possibly tunable as well?  (instant switch to real slow changeover).   I'm going to have a 'reset' stomp as well so I'm not really that worried about it not being in time.



...sorry...   I should've mentioned:

I mean that I'm using the VP 2 method of using the same clock input on the 4017 for both "channels" of the 4093.  Not using the Inhibit/Enable pin for clock.  That's why the 3PDT switch.

Hope that makes sense.


The Tone God

Hmm. Interesting idea. I think the best way to go about this is sticking with a single clock and adjusting it instead of trying to switch between two clocks.

The first idea that pops into my mind is using a variant of R.G.'s LERA. It could probably me modded to be simpler and more specific to the clock used in the VP. Take at look at it to see if it is on track functionally with your idea. If so then I can think of somethings to do with it to help out.



You're exactly right - I was still curious about slowing/speeding the clock to a second established pulse but doing it here seems like a waste vs. just putting the "speed" pot on the side with an MXR knob.

I'm thinking instead I'll double the frequency on the second half, use a dual ganged pot for the speed pot for both sides and switch over for double-time stages.  ? maybe?  I'll give it a try.

It's just cuz I've got the 4093 and no 555's.

Thanks for the reply by the way Andrew.



..still me

I feel like an idiot - that LERA article at GEO looks to be almost exactly what I was after.

I DO try to search this stuff out before I come here, honest.  I think maybe part of the problem this time around is that everytime I go to R.G.'s site I end up getting sidetracked on something else he's laid out there.


Quote from: Cody on June 02, 2006, 12:12:39 AM
  I think maybe part of the problem this time around is that everytime I go to R.G.'s site I end up getting sidetracked on something else he's laid out there.

No kidding, eh?  Where does that guy get all the time to do this stuff?  I've pretty well determined RG doesn't sleep much
tr.v. trans·mog·ri·fied, trans·mog·ri·fy·ing, trans·mog·ri·fies To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre.