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Sili-Face Question

Started by brooksblues, June 05, 2006, 08:50:41 AM

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I am about to start building a Sili-Face from ROG, I added the link below. Anyway I was wandering if I replace the 10k Trimpot to a 10k Linear pot if that would give me something like a Fuzz Control? I was thinking about adding that to get a little more contol over the actual effect. Thanks for the help.


  The trimpot is Q2's collector resistor, for setting bias is put as a 10k pot, I prefer linear, however anything that pans through 4k7 to 10k [Actually I use 4k7 + 10k pot so I can achieve 14k7 as max R...probably not necessary]...
  So any 10k pot should work, but audio taper may make adjusting 'fast' [ie hard to hit exact R you want...touchy] at one end, turn it around the other way so the 'fast' adjusting side of it is on the 'other side...nahh
  Just use whatcha got, or try linear.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.

B Tremblay

No, replacing the 10k trim with a panel pot will not provide the control you want.  You can either use the standard Fuzz Face arrangement for a Fuzz control or use a pot at the input (aka the Gagan pre-gain control).

I do suggest that you audition the circuit in its stock form so you can try using your guitar volume to control the amount of fuzz.  Then you can decide whether modifications are necessary.
B Tremblay


Ok thanks for the replys, I might try it stock but I was looking at different options. Are you saying to place a 10k pot in place of the 10k input resistor? Thanks for the help.

B Tremblay

No, you'll want a 250k or 500k linear pot at the input.  Lug 3 serves as the circuit input, Lug 2 connects to the 10k resistor, and Lug 1 is grounded.
B Tremblay